It's been a quiet few days, but that's been fine with me, our lives get pretty busy, so I'm generally happy to take a break and take a look around. On Thursday, I noticed some fresh life coming up, but didn't have my camera with me. Today, not only was I cycling to The Hague to meet Aaron for a viewing of "Bolt" a new Disney animated film (which was terrific, very sweet and lots of laughs, I will be smiling over the hamster for weeks!), but it was sunny, so I remembered to bring the camera and found...
Suspicious patches of white, but not snow....Snowdrops!
Hooray! Growing things! Spring is coming!
However, it's still pretty brown overall, as may be seen in these views of the "Queen's Woods" or Haagsche Bos

Post-movie, we walked out of the Buitenhof cinema and were pleased to see the skies still blue and The Hague looking pretty; here's a view towards the Grote Kerk or "Big Church".
Inside the Binnenhof courtyard. This is where Parliament has its offices and its a great place to stroll or cycle through.
With parliament behind us, we walked across the Plein. I like the effect of the old, classic buildings bordering the square with the modern behind.
I came home to a beautiful sunset as seen from our balcony.
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