Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Catching Up

Mike's back home and we've spent the past couple of days getting back into the pattern of being together. He had an incredible trip and said that the students were an integrated and adventurous group - everyone just clicked and made the trip memorable. I'm afraid I don't know how best to put down his experiences, maybe he'll post something this weekend when he has a moment. Right now, he's back at school, and busy as ever.

His flight landed on Monday morning at 7:00 and he luckily didn't have to teach the first block and so was able to come home and get a shower and say 'hello'. He looked luminous and happy, not at all tired (that came later) after flying all night, and was just full to the brim of worthwhile experiences. It's great to have him home again, it was a little too quiet after the first few days!

Signs of spring are becoming more and more evident here. Riding down to the stable yesterday, I saw the yellow and purple heads of crocus about to open, and on my run today I saw clumps of soon-to-be daffodils coming up in a sheltered area. Add to that the geese (I think the Greater White-fronted Goose if the images are what I remember of the real thing*) are getting frisky, chasing one another around while flying and then splashing down and causing a rumpus in the water. Additionally, Maroz and the cats are all shedding hair, so that must mean the weather is changing and warmth is on the way. Exciting!

*While looking up the goose species above, I found an interesting website for bird species in the Netherlands: Who knew there were so many birds in such a small country?! our friend Bill is a keen bird watcher and always pointing out this or that bird when we're out and about, so I will have to forward this site to him in case he hasn't seen it before.

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