It's Monday again and another weekend has slipped past. Actually, this one more blew past than slipped, and that is due to the big storm we had, beginning on Thursday evening. I had a feeling that Friday would be a windy ride on the bike down to ride Maroz, but I was taken off guard a couple of times and nearly brought to a standstill. It's not a fun feeling to be always bracing for a gust of wind that might be the one that finally tips me into the ditch! However, all's well that ends well and I made it down to the stable safely.
Maroz was unimpressed, to say the least, with my plan of riding out into the dunes, but I assured him that it was good for both of us and so out we went. Poor fellow, there were times when walking a straight line was a challenge if the wind was hitting him broadside! The clouds were whipping by overhead, and there was no rain, so it wasn't really a bad ride, but we didn't stay out more than an hour all the same. Maroz was delighted to be back in his stall and munching on his lunch, while I anticipated a zippy ride home since I'd had the wind in my face on the way down.
Interestingly, revoltingly, that was not the case...the wind decided I needed more of a workout and had switched directions to keep me company all the way back. Up to a point, I can keep reasonably upbeat and think about the workout I'm getting, but I have my limits and Friday saw me hit that. I looked at the weather report later and saw that we had 40-55 kph (25-35 mph) gusts. One interesting moment was while I was riding along on the bike and a drift of leaves was blowing along with me. While still on a straight stretch of the road, there came toward me another drift of leaves, causing a mild confusion in my mind as to just what exactly was going on with all the invisible currents around me!
I arrived home to a scene of mild chaos on my front step - the change of wind directions had finished off COMPLETELY my plants that had done so well all summer and autumn. So, fushia, begonias, and impatiens were all uprooted and they, their dirt, and a mixer of rain water were all swirled around in the area of my front door. That was about the last straw (add to all this that I was pretty hungry and you'll have a fair idea of my mood) and I came into the house, called Mike and declared I was never going outside again!
Of course, I didn't mean it, and the wind did eventually die down, but it sure was impressive while it lasted. Later on Friday afternoon, just after Mike got home from school, the heavens opened up and poured: Friday night, all day Saturday, snow on Sunday that didn't really stick and then more rain all Sunday night. Now there is sunny skies, but we earned them!
Yesterday, Sunday, we were invited to a friend's house in Amsterdam. Jennifer is Canadian and hadn't been able to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving (1st Monday in October) because people were out of town. She made up for that yesterday and we enjoyed a delicious feast with her and several others. I think Mike and I did ourselves proud getting our tummies in shape for this Thursday when we will have American Thanksgiving. Way to go, Team! The fact it was snowing outside added enormously to the whole feel of the feast and we had a thoroughly wonderful time. Thank you for being such a wonderful hostess, Jenn!
In just under two days, Mike and I hop on the airplane for our whirlwind trip to Denver, I'm finally thinking about what I should actually pack, while Mike has had his list done and things set out for days already! We are not checking any luggage, so with airline restrictions and such, it's a bit of a challenge to get it all in. The fact we are going to be surrounded by family who can lend us practically anything we might need makes it easier. I mainly hope I don't forget any of the little tidbits we are bringing along for gifts! Tomorrow sees me back on the horse in the morning, then running a few errands around town in the afternoon. I will meet Mike at school on Wednesday in the late morning as we head up to the airport. Oh boy!!
Maroz was unimpressed, to say the least, with my plan of riding out into the dunes, but I assured him that it was good for both of us and so out we went. Poor fellow, there were times when walking a straight line was a challenge if the wind was hitting him broadside! The clouds were whipping by overhead, and there was no rain, so it wasn't really a bad ride, but we didn't stay out more than an hour all the same. Maroz was delighted to be back in his stall and munching on his lunch, while I anticipated a zippy ride home since I'd had the wind in my face on the way down.
Interestingly, revoltingly, that was not the case...the wind decided I needed more of a workout and had switched directions to keep me company all the way back. Up to a point, I can keep reasonably upbeat and think about the workout I'm getting, but I have my limits and Friday saw me hit that. I looked at the weather report later and saw that we had 40-55 kph (25-35 mph) gusts. One interesting moment was while I was riding along on the bike and a drift of leaves was blowing along with me. While still on a straight stretch of the road, there came toward me another drift of leaves, causing a mild confusion in my mind as to just what exactly was going on with all the invisible currents around me!
I arrived home to a scene of mild chaos on my front step - the change of wind directions had finished off COMPLETELY my plants that had done so well all summer and autumn. So, fushia, begonias, and impatiens were all uprooted and they, their dirt, and a mixer of rain water were all swirled around in the area of my front door. That was about the last straw (add to all this that I was pretty hungry and you'll have a fair idea of my mood) and I came into the house, called Mike and declared I was never going outside again!
Of course, I didn't mean it, and the wind did eventually die down, but it sure was impressive while it lasted. Later on Friday afternoon, just after Mike got home from school, the heavens opened up and poured: Friday night, all day Saturday, snow on Sunday that didn't really stick and then more rain all Sunday night. Now there is sunny skies, but we earned them!
Yesterday, Sunday, we were invited to a friend's house in Amsterdam. Jennifer is Canadian and hadn't been able to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving (1st Monday in October) because people were out of town. She made up for that yesterday and we enjoyed a delicious feast with her and several others. I think Mike and I did ourselves proud getting our tummies in shape for this Thursday when we will have American Thanksgiving. Way to go, Team! The fact it was snowing outside added enormously to the whole feel of the feast and we had a thoroughly wonderful time. Thank you for being such a wonderful hostess, Jenn!
In just under two days, Mike and I hop on the airplane for our whirlwind trip to Denver, I'm finally thinking about what I should actually pack, while Mike has had his list done and things set out for days already! We are not checking any luggage, so with airline restrictions and such, it's a bit of a challenge to get it all in. The fact we are going to be surrounded by family who can lend us practically anything we might need makes it easier. I mainly hope I don't forget any of the little tidbits we are bringing along for gifts! Tomorrow sees me back on the horse in the morning, then running a few errands around town in the afternoon. I will meet Mike at school on Wednesday in the late morning as we head up to the airport. Oh boy!!